Monday, September 30, 2019

History, Genocide, Social Intolerance and Bigotry Essay

Lessons of history have been correctly utilized in a sense that the eventualities and circumstances in the past served as a learning experience for a better future. History served as a reminder on how to uphold the positive undertakings and set aside those which only causes strife. On the other hand, it can be used incorrectly in such a way that oppressed people may tend to see their gloomy past as a reason to revolt and take up arms. Moreover, utilizing history as a predictive instrument has observable limitations in a sense that the eventualities in the past does not necessarily manifests in the future, although it may influence it. On the contrary, history basically serves as a reference point to which critical judgment and better analysis of certain circumstances in the present and the future could be applied. In relation to that, observing the massive killings happening around the world, like acts of genocide could be defined as a deliberate attempt of any group to eliminate and annihilate a certain ethnic group in a belief that cleansing a whole group will also abolish oppression and conflict. According to Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch, there are actually stages that ultimately leads to genocide. The eight stages are as follows: Classification, or the stage wherein individuals start to cluster the people with the â€Å"us and them† method; Symbolization, where people practices labelling and name calling; Dehumanization, wherein certain groups perceive others not worthy to be considered human beings; Organization, or the establishment of a structured group like militias; Polarization, which divides the group apart because of the works of extremists; Preparation, or the drawing out of death lists and threats; Extermination, or the mass killings and ethnic cleansing stage; and Denial, wherein the perpetrators makes a lot of effort in covering up their inhumane acts and intimidates their witnesses (Stanton, 1996). Some acts of genocide is reported to have been institutionalized and sanctioned by the government like the Janjaweed militia of the Darfur crisis. These Janjaweed forces are believed to be supported by the government because it is through this powerful group that the oil from the Darfur region could be accessed since they threaten the people with acts of violence (Koerner, 2005). Having dominion over the oil industry in Darfur would allow economic growth and stability. For its political implication, the government continually supports the undertakings of the Janjaweeds because they continue to uphold the purpose of their creation which is to destroy the African tribes who were believed to be supporting insurgent groups against the government (Reeves, 2005). In line with that, a possible foundation of social intolerance resides in the people’s fear of the unknown wherein they are uncertain in accepting other people’s perspectives apart from theirs, fearing the implications it may have on them. Another basis of social intolerance and bigotry are the people’s lack of openness to communicate to other people and a feeling of superiority over individuals who are not â€Å"like† them or have similar ideologies. References Koerner, B. (2005). Who are the Janjaweed. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from http://www. slate. com/id/2104210/. Reeves, E. (2005). Genocide in Darfur-How the Horror Began. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from http://www. sudantribune. com/article. php3? id_article=11445. Stanton, G. (1996). The Eight Stages of Genocide. Retrieved June 5, 2008, from http://www. genocidewatch. org/8stages. htm.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Novel and Robinson

Religion: A Trivial Conundrum Religion in fiction, much like religion in politics, has grown to be considered taboo. Religious characters are often expected to be comedic and used only as experimental or secondary. Their only true attribute is that of piety, playing on old stereotypes to drive the characterization. In a world where being politically correct gets in the way of day-to-day talk, approaching controversial topics in any form of writing can be seen as potentially unprofitable, too risque. The competitive market of publishing doesn’t allow room for mistakes anymore and it’s easier to stay on the safe route than to stray on alternative, smaller – often more interesting – roads that may or may not lead to success. This makes literature that deals with the religious on a primary level all the more rare and exciting to read. Marilynne Robinson’s Gilead is one such example. Religion is indisputably in the forefront of this tale and, although it may not be the catalyst of the narrator’s writing, it is, without a doubt, one of Gilead’s main themes. The novel’s very format is even done in such a manner that its sole goal seems to emphasize the holy, the divine – religion, in particular, Christianity. The novel is written from the perspective of John Ames, an old Reverend, on his deathbed, writing his final words to his then seven-year-old son in the form of a letter. A writer his entire life, Ames uses his best tool as a measure to insure that his son know something of his life, even if Ames has passed away years before the son ever gets a chance to read the letter. The novel reads somewhat like a diary, a spiritual one at that. At every corner scriptures are referenced or Ames’ faith somehow fits into the narration. Robinson very easily transmits Ames’ constant remembrance of Christianity by plucking in allusions to God, the Church, or his work, not to mention the almost over-usage of the word â€Å"Christlike†. Religion very early on is dealt with as an important subject and as the book continues, it gains more and more time in the spotlight. While initially one could think that the novel would focus less with the nature of Christianity, since Ames even says that he does not with to persuade his son to follow his footsteps in the Ministry – even if he does point out some of its â€Å"advantages†[1] – as it roles forward, the focus drifts ever closer to God and how the world itself reminds Ames of the sacred. The narrator’s descriptive tendencies, in themselves are also a way Robinson finds to allude to the religious. They are Ames’ way of referencing God’s work, attempting to capture the magnificence that he sees in the world, and transmitting it to his son via words, much like God did to Moses. All that is beautiful, all that is right, it would there seem, is thanks to the Almighty. Robinson uses a very poetic tone in her writing of this novel, which helps connect the secular with the divine and emphasizes even more the novel’s religious nature. As Robinson herself said in an interview, â€Å"both poetry and theology push conventional definitions and explore perceptions that might be ignored or passed off as conventional, but when they are pressed yield much larger meanings, seem to be part of a much larger system of reality. † [2] A poetic diction, therefore, lends to the reader more easily identifying with the holy. It is easier to connect with the abstract when using a language that lends itself more readily to emotions and ideology rather than straightforward storytelling and facts. In this manner, the non sequitur tendencies of the novel also lend to the goal of lifting the reader to a theological level. Robinson also has Ames mention poets such as John Donne and George Hebert, stressing the importance of the lyrical. The poetic quality, additionally, is not presented in an overly romanticized fashion, but more as a part of Ames’ view of life. He speaks of the world as God’s masterpiece and, has small details such as, â€Å"smell[ing] the rain†[3] or â€Å"a bubble float[ing] past [a] window, fat and wobbly and ripening toward that dragonfly blue they turn just before they burst,†[4] take on holy connotations to the reader’s. The mortal and divine worlds seem to mesh in Ames’ head – perhaps the consequence of being so close to death. In fact, at times, Ames seems to speak as though he had already passed on, operating from a dead man’s point of view. For instance he says that â€Å"it is actually hard for [him] to remember how mortal [he] is those days. There are pains†¦but not so frequent or even so severe when they come that [he is] as alarmed by them as [he] should be. †[5] As a Reverend, Ames does not fear death, so he allows himself to be swept away with its beauty perhaps a little sooner than he should. His tone is therefore somewhat omniscient, which leads to his sounding rather obnoxious, although that may be a trait that one reserves the right to in old age. The father-son dynamic is also intrinsically important in Gilead. The whole point of Ames’ writing is to find a medium through which to communicate with his son. He aims, through storytelling and somewhat sporadic advice, to give his son some sort of a guide for life. Basically, Ames writes his son his very own, personal Bible. This may seem like a fairly conceited venture for a Reverend to undertake, and one can see from Ames’ voice that he is, even if he denies it, not the humblest of men. At many points throughout the novel, such as when referring to his wife and his grandfather as people God may like to spend time with,[6] Ames ends up comparing himself, to some extent, with Jesus Christ; essentially calling himself Godlike. Humble, he is not. He even reaches the point of informing the reader that in sheer quantity, he has written as much â€Å"Augustine and Calvin. [7] He does so in the calmest of tones, yet still with an undeniable desire to spark some awe in his son. Confusingly, however, he still believes that his life â€Å"does not compare with [his] grandfather’s. †[8] It would seem that a man of the Church would hold God to the highest of esteems, but his grandfather seems to beat out the old white man in the sky at times. Ames views his grandfather in an almost unrealistic idealized view. Even when he criticizes him, the tone is lighthearted and almost playful. At one point Ames goes as far as relating the thunder and lightning striking in the sky with God â€Å"tipping [His] hat to [John Ames’ grandfather]. As if to say, Glad to see you here in the stands Reverend. †[9] Yet, their relationships are hard to pinpoint and Ames’ reverence and faith in God is indisputable; which lends to a quite confusing reading of the book. All the major conflicts and drives in this book seem to regard the father-son relationship. From the desire that leads John Ames’ to write his letter, to the multiple stories about his own father and grandfather, even to Jack Boughton’s struggled relationship with his own dad. Ultimately, it seems that all the referencing to father-son relationships is Robinson’s way of emphasizing the father-son condition human beings have with God. He is the ultimate parent – the nurturer and the punisher, the constant in one’s life. All the various conflicts, â€Å"daddy issues,† and stories in the novel are therefore metaphors and allusions to the larger, more important questions human beings are faced with and their own tribulations and worries with dealing with the theological. Religion is a family affair in the Ames’ household. As John writes his letter, he is already the third consecutive generation of Reverends in his family. He speaks of religion as his vocation, deems himself to have been lucky to have had the Church in his path. The only â€Å"stray† of the Ames is John’s brother, who was initially raised to follow in his father’s footsteps. However, after the brother’s turn to atheism, John seems to take it upon himself to fill his unworn shoes. And now, years later, when John is close to departing this earth, he once again takes it upon himself to continue his family legacy; eternalize his family’s contributions to Christianity in the form of a letter to his son. To John, his family life is undoubtedly linked inherently with his religious one. For example, Ames says that â€Å"A man can know his father, or his son, and there might still be nothing between them but loyalty and love and mutual incomprehension. †[10] Right before this phrase, he speaks of how there are things that he preaches but nonetheless truly does not understand. He very smoothly transitions from religion to family, almost as if in his mind, there were not a clear distinction. This goes to aid the idea that all the familial conflicts in the novel are there as a tool for Robinson to constantly remind the reader of Christianity and its importance in one’s life. Ames writes his letter to his son as his way of carrying on his existence, eternalizing his memory, emphasizing religion’s importance. Ultimately, it does seem that religion is infused in the story not only as plot device and characterization but also with deeper intents from Robinson’s part to spread her faith. The father/son dynamic therefore serves much more as a subtle way of perpetuating the divine in the mundane world. It is much easier for a reader to relate with human emotions and domestic troubles than directly with the divine and celestial. Gilead’s story therefore, is only a means to an end – the glorification of Christianity. While writing this book, Robinson may have very well set out with the intention of spreading the Protestant or Christian word, diffusing is subtly through fiction into the American subconscious. But even if she does, she manages to do so in a peculiar and original manner. She follows the school of the Iowa’s Writer’s Workshop which goes very much against Post-Modernism and believes that a plain style is preferable to an overly decorated one. Nonetheless, Gilead does not have the sound or feel of an obsolete book. The voice is meant to be that of a man from the 1950’s and the novel could have very well been written in that decade, but there is still something quite refreshing and original about Robinson’s style. The tranquility with which she treats the theme of Religion – like it’s just a fact of life – makes so that the preaching really does just sound like fatherly advice. This novel potentially could get quite overbearing with religious undertones but the human-relationships-factor retains enough vitality and presence to overpower it. The metafictional, first person narrative, also brings about the question of reliability. Ames speaks with a certainty that only age brings, he admits ignorance at many points, but they only seem to emphasize his own self-awareness. At some points in the novel, the first-person voice even seems to mix with that of Robinson’s herself. â€Å"I believe I’ll make an experiment with candor here†[11] says John Ames, yet as a reader, I find that Robinson’s own voice resounds through this phrase. It would thus be logical to conclude that Ames’ view of the world, and his desire to spread Christianity onward would coincide with Robinson’s own desires. Even if with ulterior motives, it takes audacity to take a subject as controversial as religion and place it in the limelight of a novel. In an age of Post-Modernism (or is it Post-Post-Modernism? it is almost uplifting to find a piece of work that isn’t trying to take satire and irony to the next level. By strictly following an old-school agenda and format, Robinson manages to be more innovative that most other modern writers – almost in the way fashion repeats itself every few decades and old styles manage to be more cutting edge and modern than that which used to be the next-new-trend. People may criticize Robinson for infusing too much religion and personal agenda into her novel, but in the end, she is still one of the few that manage to do this without sounding overly or even overtly preachy and patronizing. This in itself is modern and forward thinking. Taboo subjects are usually those that are most interesting and worth discussing, so we can’t let public perceptions and social fears impede us of sharing our opinions – whatever they may be. ———————– [1] Marilynne Robinson. Gilead. New York: Picador, 2004. 23 [2] Interview with Missy Daniel. Marilynne Robinson. Religion and Ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Newsweekly. PBS. 9 Oct. 2006 . [3] Robinson 35 [4] Robinson 9 [5] Robinson 75 [6] Robinson 30 [7] Robinson 19 [8] Robinson 39 [9] Robinson 46 [10] Robinson 7 [11] Robinson 7

Saturday, September 28, 2019

British Airways Supply Chain

Operations and Supply Chain Management ESMT Case Study British Airways: A Journey in Procurement Transformation Q1  In the case what are the challenges faced by the procurement group in coming 2 years ahead? There are several challenges the procurement group faced between 2004 and 2006. First of all, keeping up with the success of the past years, especially the cost and performance improvements and also keeping investors happy (constant increase of share price since the beginning of 2003).Secondly, the procurement group was to face challenges when rationalizing the number of suppliers, building cross business conformity to develop a uniform sourcing process, reduce spending and leveraging it. The roll out of additional tools of Ariba’s spend management solution, which was supposed to cover all spend categories was another challenge. Since it in the beginning only consisted of a small group of suppliers extended over the coming month, which might lead to difficulties when trying to increase conformity with preferred suppliers. Those shall be decreased to 2000, which will make it easier to manage them and also to develop proper sourcing strategies. However integrating the different Ariba system tools represented another challenge, and was important to make sure that orders are based on the same agreed terms. Furthermore the procurement group planned to adjust catalogues. The challenges it faced here were to make ordering simpler, support transactions with preferred suppliers, decrease invoice mismatches, speed up approvals and advance requisition accuracy.In addition to this another future challenge was to rollout to overseas operations and subsidiaries. This would mean another reduction in employee headcount in other divisions and could lead again to resistance to change amongst employees. Therefore change management would be an essential tool to tackle this challenge, while the technical part of the roll out should not be a problem. Q2 What were the solutions proposed and how did they address the problems faced? Solutions proposed were to adapt to a generic sourcing process.Initially it consisted of five tollgates. Later it was reduced to three tollgates, because of heavy workload faced by the persons in charge (External Spend Group) during the review process, which would have compromised the high level of efficiency. It supported a more structured, transparent and responsible workflow, purchasing process and cost controlling. It addressed the until then very liberal management of buyers, who sometimes could authorized spending up to ? 1 million without approval by supervisors. Adapting to a new sourcing process also meant to restructure BA’s organizational purchasing process. In order to do so, additional software for transactional purchasing of services and products was introduced. Until then this process took place through very resource intensive methods. At the time the needed software was still about to develop and it took some time to find the right one. This new software from Ariba (Ariba Buyer) was supposed to fill the gap of efficiently (time and cost) purchasing in the procurement process, which existed in this area.It ran on an external Internet platform, which enabled BA to set up working solutions more quickly. With its ability to combine several management capabilities and to centrally manage the aspects of the procurement process the system addressed the problems originating through the earlier mentioned gap. Another problem faced by BA during the implementation of the procurement transformation program was the resistance to this new process and to use of the software in all areas.It was a constant issue since the search for procurement process software and at the same time ongoing job cuts of the â€Å"Future Size and Shape† initiative in the year 2000. Three years later BA started to tackle the problem by showing the advantages of Ariba Buyer, offering support (e. g. call centre for buyers) and training (â€Å"Learning Programme†). A very successful tool became the â€Å"Z-card†. It was a small enough card to be carried around everywhere and explained in pictures and simple language the steps of the new process and strategy. It also explained how this new development fit with the â€Å"Future Size and Shape† initiative. Q3  What indications are there that the changes worked? 1999-2004 In 2003, a rapid increase of strategic procurement processes showed that the implementation of the five tollgates had worked. Also the support services for buyers like the call centre turned out to be a success with over 100 calls per day. The change in procurement strategy and process had also a positive impact on the bottom-line. Procurement savings had steadily increased since the start of the change in 1999.In 2001/2002 the new development lead to savings of about ? 50 million. Just three years later in 2004/2005 it had increased by four times to ? 200 million of savings. With such a development the cost for Ariba Buyer was returned in just five months. Another indication that the changes worked showed rapid increase of orders trough the Ariba Buyer system in the second half of 2003. Several additional benefits indicated that the changes had worked. Such as more transparent spending, which shows a rise in orders processed via Ariba Buyer.This also reduced the amount of suppliers used until then by 63% in 2003. Another increase was recorded in contract compliance, where preferred suppliers started to become part of the daily business, not just reducing off contract spending and resulting in lower prices for goods and services purchased, but also reducing administrative efforts through fewer contracts. With better information on purchasing spend, it was possible to analyse which amount was spend for which supplier and product. This enabled the procurement group to start leveraging purchasing power and therefore save costs in different areas like in-flight catering in the US (15%), ground fuel at the London airports (22%) and crew accommodation in the US (17%). Also internally processing costs have been decreased, with a positive affect on error rates, transaction cost (decreased by 48%) and order-processing time, with most of the orders being transacted electronically. This gives employees more time to concentrate on value-add activities, leading to higher employee productivity. Since the workflow had been optimized less workforce was needed.Therefore BA was able to reduce headcount employed especially in procurement and safe additional costs. Q4  What could have been done differently? The procurement team should have been rigorous about the usage of Ariba Buyer right from the beginning at the implementation of the software. This could have been done by closely monitoring the usage of the software by buy ers, but also by making sure that employees actually know how to use it and what the purpose of the software is. This could have been easily achieved by training workforce and supporting the software right from the beginning as ell. The time taken until reinforcing measures (like in 2003 for tighter NDI controls) was too long. During this time buyers were too greatly empowered with too much freedom about their decision-making. Also the introduction of the tollgates came very late in the process and should have been already in place when the new software was launched. The people in charge should have also been proactive with promoting the procurement transformation programme right from the beginning amongst employees, by introducing the intentions and goals something like the â€Å"Z-card† right at the beginning.This would have decreased resistance against the change. Also one should have thought chosen a different time to introduce the â€Å"Future Size and Shape† initiative, which at the time was just another change and caused additional resistance. The start of this initiative right at the beginning of the procurement transformation programme would have been better. Or one should have waited until people have adjusted to the initial changes and then come up with this scheme.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Logical Fallacies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Logical Fallacies - Essay Example   Ã¢â‚¬Å"And our progress on the economy is a good chapter in our history. But now we turn the page and write a new chapter. And that's what I want to speak about tonight.†Ã‚   The use of two metaphors is evident here, good chapter in our history is a metaphor and turn the page and write a new chapter is another metaphor used by Gore.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"But my focus is on working families, people trying to make house payments and car payments, working overtime to save for college and do right by their kids Whether you're in a suburb, or an inner-city Whether you raise crops or drive hogs and cattle on a farm, drive a big rig on the Interstate, or drive e-commerce on the Internet Whether you're starting out to raise your own family, or getting ready to retire after a lifetime of hard work.†Ã‚   Rhetoric is clearly seen here, the word drive is repeated thrice and the same makes it rhetoric.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"To all the families who are struggling with things that money can't measure -- like trying to find a little more time to spend with your children, or protecting your children from entertainment that you think glorifies violence and indecency -- I want you to know: I believe we must challenge a culture with too much meanness, and not enough meaning. And as president, I will stand with you for a goal that we share: to give more power back to the parents, to choose what your own children are exposed to, so you can pass on your family's basic lessons of responsibility and decency."

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Merger Of Mittal And Arcelor Steel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7250 words

Merger Of Mittal And Arcelor Steel - Essay Example Having reached the number one position in steel manufacturing and assessing the need to consolidate and to take advantage of the economies of scale, in January 2006, Lakshmi Nivas Mittal of Mittal Steel Netherlands took a historical decision to make an attempt to acquire the next biggest steel company Arcelor S.A. Having gone through the basics idea about the world steel industry and the rationale behind the Mittal Steel's decision to acquire the next ranking Arcelor S.A, this paper attempts to bring out an analytical review of the whole scheme of merger with respect to the effect of the merger from the point of view of the investors, the appreciation in their holdings, reasoning behind the merger from the point of view of Mittal Steel as well as Arcelor S.A. The paper also studies the role played by Severstal, the Russian Steel major in the merger deal. With the advent of globalization the large companies have broken their geographical barriers and this has resulted in the cross border mergers and acquisitions of bigger companies. Especially in Europe the purchases by way of takeovers of companies had been at $ 418 billion whereas it was only $ 211 billion for the American companies in the first quarter of the year 2006. This includes the fierce battle of the hostile takeover by Netherlands based Mittal Steel of Luxembourg based Arcelor. This hostile bidThis hostile bid for takeover was put forth by Mittal Steel to Arcelor for taking over the latter at a consideration of US $ 22.4 billion and this bid was made on the 27th January 2006. This takeover once completed would result in an aggregate sale of seventy billion US dollars and ten percent of the world steel production. This also means that the combined production of the new company would be three times more than that of the closest competitor Nippon Steel Corporation of Japan. After the merger the new entity would provide employment for 320,000 people. The operations of the new company would spread over four continents of the world. The company would also expand its market to the United States where there is a high potential for growth. This would also entail the new company commendable bargaining power and economies of scale. From the following table, one can observe the size and magnitude of the takeover bid made by Mittal Steel Source: The Hindu. Business Line Newspaper Dated 1st February 2007 3.0 A BACKGROUND: A brief background of the Buyer (Mittal Steel) and the Target (Arcelor S.A.) is presented below: Mittal Steel N.V: Head Quartered in Rotterdam/London 225,000 employees Steelmaking facilities in 16 countries Customers in 120 countries Shipped 49.2m tons in 2005 Revenues of $28.1bn in 2005 (Breaking News Article 2006) While production of steel of various kinds is the main activity, the Mittal Steel is presently operating in countries like United States, Mexico, Trinidad, Canada, Germany and France. Specialisation of Mittal

Aviation strategy- course assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Aviation strategy- course assignment - Essay Example Making use of its point to point flights, the airlines gives regular direct flights for the short distances, for example from Los Angeles to Las Vegas, etc. In 2008, Southwest served 438 nonstop city pairs, in 64 cities in 32 states and carried over 101.9 million passengers, the most of any domestic carrier. As the low-fare leader, Southwest's average ticket price was $119.16 in 2008, up from $106.60 in 2007 compared to an average price of $139.40 in 2008 at its closest competitor, Jet Blue. The Southwest Airlines has a focused strategy, it has defined target market and does not scramble its efforts to gain benefits from all over. Instead, it has selected a niche segment, to cater their needs better. Target market - the market that the company focuses are the low cost and value conscious travellers, with no frills but a comfy journey. It focuses on customers that have to travel short haul, these include passengers that travel for their business, are time conscious as well and also include residential customers that prefer travelling for vacations and seeking best value for their spending. Product offering - With focused target market, Southwest has a differentiated product (service) offering, it describes its service offering as short haul, low fare, high frequency, and a point to point carrier in the United States' airline industry. The informal and casual but dignified journey experience is the whole package. It does not provide meals, a pack of peanuts would do, there are no assigned places, no transfer of luggage and no class differentiation either, in form of first class or the business class etc. Whilst the average cost of a meal serve per passenger in the airlines industry is approximately $5, the cost for Southwest airlines is around 20 cents (Rose, 1999)3. Pricing structure - since Southwest Airlines distinguishes itself as the low fare

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Pathophysioloty of a chronic condition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Pathophysioloty of a chronic condition - Essay Example On questioning the patient had a localised pain score of 8/10 in her back and a pains in her joints and muscles with a pain score of 4/10. When questioned about her medical history, she stated she had a condition called systemic lupus erythematosus. This is not a condition I had heard of before I, therefore, questioned her more about it. A 20 year-old women patient presented with fatigue, heart palpitations and anxiety. Examining her medical history including her ANA, CBC, skin biopsy of lesions on her legs, complementary series, and anti-DNA antibody test, reveals vessel vasculitis. The results indicate hematocrit: 10.5 g/dL. ANA: 1.640, an elevated Anti-DNA antibody test, 3.8 million/mm3 for red blood cell count, 6000/mm3 of White blood cell count, 35% for Hematocrit, 138,000/mm3 for platelets, 6000/mm3 for White blood cell count, Decreased C3 level at 43 mg/dl for the Complement assay, and a decreased C4 level a 14 mg/dl (Appendix A). The patient’s rheumatoid arthritis factor had been found to be negative with

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Memo Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Memo - Assignment Example 34). Generally, it is a set of hardware, software, people, policies and procedures essential in the creation, management, distribution, usage, storage and revocation of digital certificates as exchanged through unsecure channels such as the internet. The PKI provides an opportunity for a digital certificate, which makes it possible to identify an individual or an organization using the internet (Mjà ¸lsnes 104). Further, it is possible to store and at the same time revoke certificates given to individuals and organizations. There are still vendor services and approaches for the PKI, just as experts work on the internet standard for the same. The Wi-Fi Alliance (WPA), an intermediate measure meant to take place of WEP was implemented through upgraded firmware on wireless network interface cards, purposely designed for WEP (Doherty 137). However, because changes in the wireless access points (WPA) were more extensive compared to those needed on the network cards, it was impossible to upgrade most of the pre-2003 WAPs. The solution to this problem was the development of the WPA2. LoÃŒ pez, Javier, Pierangela Samarati, and Josep L. Ferrer.  Public Key Infrastructure: 4th European Pki Workshop : Theory and Practice, Europki 2007, Palma De Mallorca, Spain, June 28-30, 2007 : Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2007. Print. Mjà ¸lsnes, Stig F, S Mauw, and Sokratis K. Katsikas.  Public Key Infrastructure: 5th European Pki Workshop : Theory and Practice, Europki 2008, Trondheim, Norway, June 16-17, 2008 : Proceedings. Berlin: Springer, 2008.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Martin Luther King Jr's use of ethos pathos and logos in his I have a Essay

Martin Luther King Jr's use of ethos pathos and logos in his I have a dream speach - Essay Example In terms of rhetorical theory, ethos represents the implementation of ethics and morals as a rhetorical tool. One of King’s most powerful implementation of logos appears when he states, â€Å"One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination† (‘I Have a Dream Speech’). Here King is comparing the oppression of the modern African-American with the same oppression that was experienced during slavery. This is a powerful implementation of ethos as it implements societies understanding of the wrongness of slavery in demonstrating that similar events continue to occur. Logos is understood as the rhetorical implementation of logic and reason as primary argumentative techniques. King’s speech makes great use of logos. One of the most powerful implementations of this occurs when King references the Declaration of Independence. He states, â€Å"It is obvious today that America has defaulted on this promissory note insofar as her citizens of color are concerned† (‘I Have a Dream Speech’). Of course, King is referencing the nature of the Declaration of Independence as proclaiming the unalienable rights of all citizens.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Obesity and the Media Essay Example for Free

Obesity and the Media Essay Although advertisers and the media have a huge impact on the issue of childhood obesity, the parents have the final call on what their children eat and don’t eat. It is the parents who give in to their children’s whining and give them what they want just to please them. Childhood obesity starts when the children are old enough to realize that they can get their way when they cry for something. It is the parents’ responsibility to lead by example and teach their children healthy eating habits at a young age. If the parents have unhealthy eating habits and include fast food and fried food in their diet on a regular basis, it is likely that their children will do the same. Kids will get accustomed to eating whatever is made available for them in their home. It is the parents’ job to provide healthy snack options so that their children can get used to healthy habits at early ages. When children are first attracted to the fast food ads at a very young age, it is often because they are attracted to the toys such as the ones offered in â€Å"happy meals.† Another reason why fast food is so popular is because it is a quick and easy meal when people are busy or don’t feel like cooking dinner. My solution to these issues would be to create a fast food chain that offered healthier options. That way, when people want to drive through and order something quick, they would be able to do so while still eating healthy. These restaurants would also offer children’s meals that include a toy, which would promote staying active, and eating healthy. The advertisement that I created is for a healthy fast food restaurant called Chick-A-Dees. This restaurant would offer all natural foods, rather than deep-fried options. The ad uses bright colors and cartoon characters to get children’s attention. It also promises a toy with every kid’s meal and advertises a jungle gym for kids to play on when they come to the restaurant. If restaurants opened that made healthy food seem exciting and fun to kids, they would definitely be more likely to want to try it or even like it. The advertising of toys that are included in kids’ meals at fast food restaurants is a main reason that young kids want to go to these places. However, there are many other toys for children that are advertised on television everyday, which encourage unhealthy eating habits. Among these are: the Easy Bake Oven, Popcorn Basketball, Smores Stick, Marshmallow Gun, Girls Gourmet Candy Jewel Factory Oven, 1000 Piece Candy Jigsaw, Counting Cookies, Mix and Match Doughnuts, and McDonalds Drive Through Food Cart. (The Toy Zone) All of these toys cause children to associate unhealthy eating with fun, which is a main contributing factor to the issue of childhood obesity. The KidsHealth article makes a great point about how parents need to act as role models and demonstrate to their kids proper serving size, how to enjoy treats in moderation, and exercising regularly. This is so true; bad habits start when the child is very young, and over time they become more difficult to squash. The article mentions some habits that parents should get their kids used to such as: have regular family meals, serve a variety of healthy foods and snacks, be a role model by eating healthy yourself, avoid battles over food, and involve kids in the process. Regular family meals have a huge impact on preventing unhealthy eating habits. If the family makes it their goal to sit down for dinner together even 4 days a week, it would make all the difference. As the article titled Childhood Obesity states, â€Å"children are getting more of their food away from home.† Making family meals a regular part of the routine would prevent the family from turning to the easy option of fast food, or eating out at restaurants where they serve countless courses and portions that are much to big for one sitting. The KidsHealth website also suggests that parents stock up on healthy foods. Having fattening or sugary snacks available for kids to snack on when they’re hungry will only add to the issue. There are plenty of healthy and organic snacks that are really tasty also, and if kids get used to eating them while they’re young, they will never know the difference. Making sure your child has breakfast is also an important factor to a healthy diet, as stated in Childhood Obesity. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and necessary for a healthy metabolism. The article pretty much covers all the issues and solutions that I would like to obesity in children. If I were to add something to it I would say that it is so important that parents are involved in their child’s life. This gets even more important as they grow into teens, so it should start when they are children. Parents should know if the child is having problems in school, trouble making friends, being bullied, etc. All of these issues can contribute to the child turning to food for comfort. Another idea that the article didn’t mention is parents buying their children toys that encourage healthy activity rather than laziness or unhealthy eating. Instead of buying a videogame or and Easy Bake Oven for example, get them things to play their favorite sport with. If the child isn’t into sports, and would rather play video games, encourage active games like Wii Fit or Dance games. Getting involved in the activity is a great way to encourage it. I don’t think that the media has exaggerated the issue of childhood obesity in our society. It is a huge problem and we see it everyday, no matter where we are. The media needs to start promoting less of the unhealthy habits and show more advertisements for healthy eating and games and toys that involve activity. In order to prevent obesity and diseases that are linked to it, parents must encourage and demonstrate healthy eating habits as well as teaching their children to stay active. The prevention must start when the child is young, and remain steady and continuous as they grow.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Culture Of Creativity And Innovation Commerce Essay

The Culture Of Creativity And Innovation Commerce Essay Creativity and innovation are two inherent qualities human possess that may not be embedded in each and every individual. An organization acquires staff and individual with various different attributes. However, creativity, for one, may not be amongst their major attribute. I believe that it is not easy for an organization to create a culture of creativity and innovation in an organization due to the diversity among members and the organizational identity but it is not impossible either. Depending on the existing organization culture with an evolving organizational identity and using proper language and discursive elements to bring cultural incrementalism, a culture of creativity and innovation in an organization is achievable. A culture of creativity and innovation in an organization can be created by providing staff of the organization proper understanding of the goals and objective and creating an environment to try new ideas and the right to freedom and get support. I believe that simply implementing theories to an organization wont make it creative or innovative. In order to create a culture of creativity and innovation in an organization, the organization needs to understand the behaviour of the people and needs to be open to new ideas and the changes these ideas generate. In this essay, I have tried to focus on implementing culture of creativity into organizations whilst evaluating existing organizational structure and culture. All the theories discussed and argued will be based upon creativity for an organization. The Weberian Thought and Taylorism along with models of organizational structures have been analyzed to understand how people are provided with authority and how they behave in an organization. HAS and IS approach has been compared alongside Darwins Theory of Evolution to put light into the theory of creativity. In order to implement a new concept of creativity and bring change, Kanter, Stein Jicks Big 3 Model of Change and Lewins Model for organizational change has been compared and contrasted. Organizational Culture is an outcome of cultural processes at work in a particular setting and focuses on people and the shared meaning within them. An organization with a strong culture may find it difficult to adapt with changes. If they want to bring a culture of creativity then the organization may find it hard to cope with it. A strong culture will have people with commonalities and may lack diversity which is essential in generating new and different ideas. However, subcultures can exist in such organization with strong culture which may bring creativity as a result of diversity. Such divisions are responsible for giving a different option or a direction to the organization which can result to new frontiers. Diversity is an integral element of an organizations culture. A manager has to be aware of the differences that exist among various employees working in the organization. People in an organization do not always come from the same background. A manager needs to be aware of the differences between the employees in order to create a friendly working environment. Organization, today, has come a long way from the classical approach of Max Weber (Bureaucracy and rationality) and F.W. Taylor (Division of Labour and Scientific Management). Humans are appendage of industrial machines. Humans can be programmed to perform according to loads, pace and fatigue-Max Weber. In order to establish a creative culture, people need to be given freedom to think and work. Webers theory will bring restrictions on the way people think and work by comparing human with machines. Similarly, Taylors Scientific Mangement theory suggests that certain knowledge, belief needs to be predetermined to create a culture. However, creativity cant be moulded by certain rules and regulations. In such a case, the result would not be original and hence, not creative. Darwins Theory of Evolution states that culture is a process of cultivation, i.e., the improvement of human condition which helps create a creative culture as it focuses on betterment of the human condition. Similarly , HAS and IS Approach provides further light towards organizational culture. HAS approach states that culture is constructed by basic assumptions where as IS approach starts from a clean slate where culture is not defined which can help the creativity flourish as there are no boundaries that needs to be met by the people. In recent times, a symbolic-interpretative approach or a postmodern approach is more popular where people and their behaviour are given importance and actions carried out based on them. A symbolic-interpretative approach would create meaning by associating with human through shared values, traditions and customs whereas the Postmodern approach is where managers are artist in themselves who are open to new ideas and based upon these knowledge and understanding come up with a new perspective with reference to the past. The diagram below shows different elements which collectively form a culture. In order to create a creative and innovative culture in an organization, all the elements need to embrace creativity and work accordingly. Creativity injected in these elements will eventually exude the creative culture of the organization. An artifact who would like to be a symbol of the organisation Organizational structure shows the relationship between members within the organization and the distribution of responsibilities and ultimately power. An organizational structure doesnt necessarily influence the organizational culture. An organization may have a strong, bureaucratic culture or a creative culture regardless of the hierarchical structure. In large organization such as Apple, a creative culture exists despite a hierarchical organizational structure. However, creativity needs to fulfil the goals and objectives of the organization and proper communication is necessary between the staff and the managers. So, a flat organizational structure would help in better communication and instant reaction to any changes even if the organization has a Top-Down hierarchy. Organizational Control helps to create an order to the activities carried out in an organization but it can affect the creativity of an organization as the essence of creativity is freedom and we know that organizational control is quite the opposite. The level of control needs to be determined in such a way that it wont hamper the creativity of the staff. In order to create a creative environment, the control needs to be decentralized. Even though managers are in charge, the employees need to have space to come up with ideas without being controlled. Page 345, teamwork and a concern with employee creativity. Language in the form of narrative and storytelling is essential in shaping a culture of an organization. Narration is bringing experience or sequence of episodes coherently into language. From stories we derive meaning, knowledge and experience, and as a result, we are able to understand our own and others existence. Narration helps improve communication between the manager and the employee resulting to better productivity. It even helps to improve quality of management and leadership and understand the direction the organization wants to take in the future. Stories can help people understand and get new ideas which will create a creative and innovative environment. People can relate to characters of the narration and learn from the events. For eg, learning about how Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computers, works can inspire people to come up with new ideas and be more innovative. Organizational Change occurs when a new system is introduced and implemented. It is not easy to bring change to an organization. Changing any functioning of the organization will have to change the perception and attitude of the people as well. Such changes need to be handled delicately without upsetting any party. Cultural Change in organizations can be of three types: Apparent Change, Revolutionary Change and Cultural Change. Apparent Change adapts while preserving its identity whereas Revolutionary change is brought about by outsiders by destroying old ones and creating a completely new culture. However, if creative culture needs to be created, Cultural Incrementalism is a good choice. It incorporates the old culture from narratives along with new ideas to come up with a new culture. In our case, changing the way the people work by providing more freedom or brainstorming and discussion sessions incorporated in an existing culture results to cultural incrementalism and hence, a cre ative culture. There are various theories on how change can be managed. Lewins Model: Unfreezing, Change, Refreezing is one of the most popular theorys for managing change in an organization. However, we are focused on changing the culture into a creative culture. For this purpose, Big 3 Model of Change is appropriate rather than Lewins Model. Lewins Model is effective but it focuses more on the manufacturing and operational side of the organization and doesnt take into account the human perspective. It plans and directs change. However, creativity in an organization cant be planned or directed. Big 3 Model of Change focuses on change can be managed by responding, harnessing and provoking change. According to this model, there are three forces of change: Macroevolutionary (Environmental Level), Microevolutionary (Organisational Level) and Political (Individual Level). This model has been criticised to be too broad but due to its inclusion of behaviour of people at different level and responding acc ordingly, makes it a better option towards managing change than Lewins Model. While creating a creative and innovative culture, a manager should not stray away from the identity of the organization. A creative culture may not be suitable for all types of organization. The working environment needs to be understood before changing or creating a culture and the change needs to align with the identity of the organization. For eg, In a Cafe, creativity has very less to do. The employee has to perform task that is routine and there is no room for improvement in terms of creativity. The identity of the cafe is to provide good service to customers. Albert and Whetten beleive that organizational identity has central, distinctive and enduring features. However, Gioia, Schultz and Corley argue that the organizations identity is fluid and not stable. Balmer emphasises on using evolving rather than enduring because these school of thought believe that even the organizational identity doesnt always remain the same and keeps on evolving with time and environment. Culture an d Identity of an organization go hand in hand and Michael Wood has stated, Identity is not something genetic, safe and secure. It is shaped by history and culture: it is about group feeling; allegiance to the state, but in an open society that can be wide and inclusive. It is always in the making and never made. So, if the organization needs to create an innovative and creative culture, the identity can be moulded accordingly. Example: Creative Industry of Jewellery Design. I interviewed a friend, AKG, who assists her father in a family business in Kathmandu, Nepal. The organization is a family business which is basically a jewellery design outsourcing company for various jewellery shops in Kathmandu. The organization was started by her grandfather 34 years ago, to employ people with a passion for their art-jewel crafting while utilising their abilities to their benefits therefore benefitting the organisation. The people hired were people that were fired by her grandfathers friends because they didnt craft the jewellery according to the specified designs. This gave her grandfather the opportunity to bring the best out of his employees in terms of creativity who believed that happy people make better employees. The organization has AKGs father as in-charge and 14 artisans who were hired by her grandfather. These artisans are responsible for coming up with ideas or working on ideas provided to them by the clients. The designs or ideas from clients are translated to the artisans as some are stories and some are an old piece and brainstorming sessions are carried out to understand the story more deeply. Then this raw idea is given to all 14 artisans along with the old piece or the story. They translate it however they think is best. So, by the end of the time given, AKG and her father along with the 14 artisans come together, discuss and look through all the designs. Then, among the 16 people, voting is carried out and sometimes there is a clear winner. However, at times all the 14 translations are sent to the clients to pick the best which makes it much simpler and the winning craftsman receives 35% of the sales proceeds! All 14 artisans work in the workshops at their home. They work separately and each idea and design is unique. They joined this family business because they were able to express themselves and not work under any restrictions. Before, they had to design what was told by the client or the owner and their own idea would not be given value. But now, they can use their creativity and imagination and work on the designs providing a style of their own. However, despite giving these artisans freedom to come up with new ideas, the manager says it is important to keep sidelines. AKG says. When you have such a thing, you got to keep sidelines. They cant just go tinkering around with everything. We do encourage creativity but its got to be marketable and what we ask of them is to judge for themselves if they would be attracted by the design if they say it in a store. The above example is based on a family business which is different from regular corporations. This firm can be classified as a creative industry due to the nature of work. The organization has a flat structure with the manager looking after the 14 artisans and dealing with clients. Due to the group of artisans working for the company for more than 30 years, a culture has been set on how tasks are carried out. Artisans were hired due to their skills of creativity and with an agreement of freedom to go beyond boundaries and try out new things. Having said that, goals and objectives are predetermined and a basic criterion is set which will fulfil the basic demand of the client. Creativity is the organizational identity for this company and it is reflected in the organizational culture as well. The artisans are able to use their skills without compromising on their creativity. The opportunity to work at their own workshops gives them freedom. Hence, this is an organization based around c reativity of the skilful workers where they are given freedom to come up with new ideas that goes along the story provided by the clients. The added incentive makes the workplace more competitive which will motivate artisans to come up with their best work as per customers requirement. This organization depicts an existing creativity culture which was possible due to the identity that was set when the firm was established. The organizational culture of this firm can be seen as IS approach of the organizational culture as the culture was created and it centred on the creation of meaning. Here, the meaning was freedom to creativity for better satisfaction to the workers. This culture of creativity opposes the Classical approach and Webers Bureaucracy theories. Instead of specialising and setting formal rules and regulations, the artisans were given the freedom to work at their workshops and be creative. So, for a culture of creativity to exist, the organizational structure needs to be flexible and interactive and creativity needs to be an element of the organizational identity. The creative is the place where no one else has ever been. You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What youll discover will be wonderful. What youll discover is yourself.- Alan Alda.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Macbeths Tragedy :: essays research papers

Shakespeare is perhaps most noted for his many tragic plays. One of his most acclaimed works Macbeth, is a great example of this. In Macbeth by William Shakespeare there are many incidents within the play that agree with the fact that Macbeth’s greatest tragedy is the deterioration of its main characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. The most prominent reason for the fact that Macbeth’s and Lady Macbeth’s character is decaying is noticed with the hallucinations that both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth experience as a result of guilt. The decline of their character is manifested into the inability to remain true to ones character, delusional behavior, and a conscience that only works once the harm is committed. Guilt should be held accountable for the degradation of what would have been one of the most courageous and honorable characters in all of Shakespeare’s plays. The guilt that causes the delusional state in both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth begins with the questioning of Macbeth’s ambition and capacity to obtain what he wants. Lady Macbeth first sells out her position by following the words of the weird sisters that predict that Macbeth will become king. After allowing the prophecy overcome her, Lady Macbeth convinces herself that she will do anything to make sure that the prediction is followed out. She states, " Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valor of my tongue which fate and metaphysical aid doth seem to have thee crowned withal." Macbeth’s ineptness in remaining loyal to his self is evident when Lady Macbeth attacks his ego by negotiating with him that the murder will make him a better man, â€Å"When you durst do it, ten you were a man; And to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man.† Thus, Lady Macbeth is as responsible for the death becau se she was the one that convinced Macbeth to continue the plan to execute King Duncan. Also passion and greed govern their souls and their common sense, they forget that the world does not revolve around them and what they wish to accomplish. The murders, which would to any sane person seem grotesque becomes a normal thing to them as if nothing more than washing ones hands. Macbeth is originally courageous and a godlike figure with great success in the battlefield who descends to scum by the end of the play.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reconciling Religious and Scientific Perspectives of Creation Essay

Reconciling Religious and Scientific Perspectives of Creation â€Å"In the beginning was the big bang,†[i] writes John Polkinghorne, a physicist turned theologian. As the reader follows through the remainder of his cosmic creation story, the reader is intrigued at how mystical and religious the story sounds. â€Å"The space boiled, in the rapid expansion of the inflation era, blowing the universe apart with incredible rapidity in the much less than 10-30 seconds that it lasted. . . . The world suddenly became transparent and a universal sea of radiation was left to continue cooling on its own . . .†[ii] Then, the story unfolds to tell of the creation of hydrogen and helium and the creation of stars. The death of stars follow, which in turn gives rise to conditions that are favorable for the formation of life.[iii] Though seemingly mystical, the story of the cosmic creation is also the epitome of logic. As we rewind the story of creation, we see a definite causal link between one event and another. Why do we have life? Because we have carbon. Why do we have carbon? Because of the chemical reaction in stars. Why do we have the chemical reactions in stars? Because . . . and this chain will continue, explaining one phenomenon as an effect of another. The story is in fact the triumph of human reason. However, if we rewind the story long enough, we find ourselves reaching a dead end – â€Å"In the beginning was the big bang.† A beginning is where there is no before. However, how can something be when there is no prior? The question of the origin is further complicated when we see how finely tuned the universe is. For the emergence of life, the universe had to have initial conditions at the point of origin ... ... with a whole number amount of spin (as opposed to half a spin). [xxxviii] Ferris, Coming of Age in the Milky Way, pp. 354-353. [xxxix] Polkinghorne, The Faith of a Physicist, p. 75. [xl] Ferris, Coming of Age in the Milky Way, p. 351. [xli] Ferris, The Whole Shebang, p. 224. [xlii] Greene, pp. 357-358. [xliii] Ibid., p. 358. Brian Greene then says that Brandenberger and Vafa verified this phenomenon through detailed calculations. [xliv] Ibid. [xlv] Ibid., p. 362. The Nugget that gave rise to our universe is one of the many nuggets that were formed in prehistory of our universe. This theory is still a speculation and is not widely accepted like the string theory. Therefore, the theory about the cosmic prehistory should be taken as a possible solution and not as the definite answer. [xlvi] Found in Davies, p. 148. [xlvii] Davies, p. 232.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Finite Evidence and Universal Propositions :: Ampliative Logic

Finite Evidence and Universal Propositions There is a lot of empirical evidence supporting the proposition '‘All metals expand when heated’. For example on many, many occasions we have observed metals expanding when heated. Because of this large amount of evidence we take the proposition to be true (or highly likely to be true). The proposition '‘All metals expand when heated’ is caled a universal proposition. A universal proposition mentions al things of a certain kind. The proposition '‘Al metals expand when heated’ is about al metals, not just some of them; it is about al pieces of metal, not just some pieces. Any piece of metal, any kind of metal, according to this proposition, wil expand when heated. Now as we have said there is a great deal of evidence supporting this universal proposition; it is not a proposition that many would doubt. But however large the body of evidence supporting this proposition, and whatever the variety, this body of evidence is finite. Our experience is finite, even our colective experience. But the proposition is universal: it refers to al metals, not just this bit or that bit, nor this kind or that kind. Any bit of metal at al, whatever kind, wil expand when heated. This is what the proposition says. The proposition does not just say, only those bits of metal that we have observed, expand when heated. Those bits we have observed, they expand when heated; but the proposition also says, even those bits that we have not observed expand when heated. This is what the '‘al’ means; this is why we cal the proposition universal. The evidence which supports ‘Al metals expand when heated’ is finite. The proposition which draws support from this evidence is universal. How can finite evidence support a universal proposition? A universal proposition, even when supported by evidence, goes wel beyond evidence. There are infinitely many bits of metal. Compared to the many bits of metal in the universe the bits we have observed is only a tiny fraction. How can a tiny fraction support such a large number? When we have no evidence for a proposition we would not take the proposition to be true. When we have only a litle evidence for a proposition we stil would not take it to be true. If we are to take a proposition to be true, or likely to be true, we require a large amount of evidence.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Analysis Of Zero Crossing Detector Engineering Essay

A zero traversing sensor detects the passage of a assorted signal wave form from positive and negative and gives a narrow pulsation that precisely coincides with the nothing electromotive force status. At high frequences it will be rather hard procedure. ( Rod Elliott, 2005 ) Zero traversing sensor is utile in many applications in power electronics. At a specific frequence zero traversing sensor can be used and operates without hold at prognostic finite impulse response [ FIR ] and filters like set base on balls filters with negative stage hold. ( Polla, 2011 ) The application of Zero cross household of optically stray triac drivers are less cost, easy to run and effectual solution for interface applications between low current District of Columbia control circuit such as logic Gatess and microprocessor and ac power tonss ( 120,240 or 380 volt individual or 3-phase ) . These stray triac drivers provides adequate gate trigger current for high current, high electromotive force thyristors between the line and the control circuitry with 7.5KV dielectric withstand electromotive force and besides it will non mean for such devices as solid province relays. It will include assorted resistances and capacitance combinations such as Full Wave Rectifier Bridge, distinct transistor, trigger SCRs. In the three stage power system, the developing demand for solid province shift of AC power warming controls and other industrial applications has resulted in the usage of the triac circuits in the control of three stage power. hypertext transfer protocol: // hypertext transfer protocol: // command=text & A ; attr1=Appications+of+Zero+Voltage+Crossing+Optically+Isolated+Triac+Drivers & A ; attr2=undefined & amp ; v0=Applications+of+Zero+Voltage+Crossing+Optically+Isolated+Triac+Dr & A ; vid= % 24__visitId__ % 24 & A ; g=sitemap+taxonomy & A ; i=sitemap+id & A ; qid= % 24__queryId__ % 24 & A ; s1=sitemap+id % 2F % 2F1 & A ; s0=iphrase+relevance % 2F % 2F0 & A ; tq=1 & A ; q=20 & A ; as=1 & A ; qtid= % 24__queryId__ % 24 & A ; t=0 & A ; ia=1 & A ; c0=i % 3A1 % 3B770 % 3Bsitemap+content+metadata+description % 2Csitemap+content+metadata+keyword % 2Csitemap+name % 2Csitemap+taxonomy % 2Csitemap+text % 3BApplications % 2CZero % 2CVoltage % 2CCrossing % 2COptically % 2CIsolated % 2CTriac % 2CDr % 2Cof % 3B % 3Aapplication % 2C % 3Azero % 2C % 3Avoltag % 2C % 3Across % 2C % 3Aopticalli % 2C % 3Aisolat % 2C % 3Atriac % 2C % 3Adr % 2Ciphrase+stopword % 3B1 % 2C1 % 2C3 % 2C1 % 2C4 % 2C1 % 2C5 % 2C1 % 2C6 % 2C 1 % 2C7 % 2C1 % 2C8 % 2C1 % 2C9 % 2C1 % 2C2 % 2C1 % 3B % 2B0+ % 2B1+ % 2B2+ % 2B3+ % 2B4+ % 2B5+ % 2B6+ % 2B7 & A ; qt=1303230794 & A ; text= In other words, the circuit provides the positive and negative electromotive force, when the positive electromotive force is input electromotive force and the negative electromotive force is end product electromotive force. In that zero traversing sensor is utilizing the AC electromotive force and generated by VSC to the system Ac electromotive force and it provides the zero crossing of the system AC wickedness moving ridge in the signifier of square moving ridge and it have to used this wave signifier as mention to bring forth the AC electromotive force. ( Javed, 2006 ) The circuit is shown below:Analysis OF DRIVER CIRCUIT:One of the electronic circuits is Gate Driver. The intent of gate driver are apply exact power degrees to Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor [ IGBTs ] and it gives as isolation amplifiers and often supply short circuit protection. Based on the insulated Gatess, IGBTs provide a uninterrupted gate circuit in order to obtain the gate current. Basically, they are four types of gate drivers. For positive supply, the high side gate drivers are used to bring forth IGBTs and it will non be connected at land mention, and for negative supply, low side gate drivers are used to bring forth the IGBTs. Gate drivers includes some specifications are supply electromotive force, peak end product current, extension hold, rise clip, autumn clip and power dissipation and operating temperature and switching frequence. The conventional diagram of driver circuit is: ( Javed, 2006 ) Pathak and ochi ( 2003 ) explained about cut downing the entire losingss and higher operating efficiency for some subsystems, accomplishing compact design and ciphering the weight of attendant systems. In hard-wired electronic circuits they are different ways of MOSEFET/IGBTs and besides there are some advantages of IC Drivers. First, the concentration is one of the advantages. In some designs, the use of IC Drivers consequences is smaller sized circuits and those subsystems are applicable in multiple drivers design there are some characteristics like UV, OV, OL and DESAT can be construct in some control logic and generates IC Drivers of MOSFET/IGBT. Shorter Propagation Delays are used at IC Drivers. This is used at geometry ; it provides the consequences into the smaller distances and it pass through by signals. Harmonizing to geometry and Shorter conductivity waies, the IC Drivers end products are developing from lower rise and autumn times for available capacitive tonss. Repeatability and Predictability are one more advantage ; it can non be provide exact consequences at difficult wired driver. There are some of import parametric quantities that are generalised in an IC Drivers, developers are need non to travel for clip devouring stairss for explicating, developing and proving circuits to bring forth ICs of MOSFET/IGBTs which save the clip and capital and bit by bit diminish the aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"time to marketaa‚ ¬A? for complete merchandises. In half span and 3-phase span constellations, low side drivers are utilizing for driving stage leg, the upper side of MOSFET/IGBT driver are modify to electrically isolation. There are some floating high side drivers with boot-strap power supply along with a low side driver and it has different utile characteristics are: To protect negative electromotive force transients. To equilibrate the latchup above full operating scope. Rise clip and autumn clip will be matching in nature. Propagation hold should be organizing for required end products.5.6 Trial Plan OF MICROCONTROLLER:Basically, the shift techniques are implemented in PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877. Soon, we are implementing the exchanging techniques with applications of fiber optics communicating. ( Javed, 2006 ) The Microcontroller PIC16F877 is designed from Harvard architecture microcontroller and developed by Microchip Technology. It is used to implement the different shift techniques. It contains so many features like less cost, larger user base, wide handiness, general aggregation of applications and it consists of 40 pins. ( Javed, 2006 ) FIGURE 5.32: MICROCONTROLLER PIC16F877 ( Javed, 2006 ) In that, there are some nucleus characteristics and peripheral characteristics for Microcontroller PIC16F877.5.6.1 CORE FEATURES OF PIC16F877:A. While making the experiment with 8-bit CMOS Flash Microcontroller it required 28/40 pin. In that there is one advantage is to wipe out the informations and it can come in the information for many times. ( Javed, 2006 ) B. The public presentation of RISC is high precedence. C. Single rhythm executings are followed by all instructions for subdivisions which are two rhythms. D. In that, there are some specifications to run the microcontroller like the maximal operating velocity is 20MHz clock input i.e. every direction rhythm is of 200ns. It will be operate at 4MHz or 16MHz etc. E. Up to 8K*14 words of FLASH programme memory. F. Up to 368*8 bytes of informations memory [ RAM ] . G. Up to 256*8 bytes of EEPROM informations memory. H. Interrupt capableness [ up to 14 beginnings ] . I. In that, there are different types of turn toing manners like direct, indirect and comparative. J. For reset intent we can run Power on reset [ POR ] . K. Power up timer [ PWRT ] and oscillator start up timer [ OST ] . L. Watch Canis familiaris timer [ WDT ] with its ain on bit RC oscillator. M. The operating electromotive force scope: 2V to 5.5V. N. Low power ingestion.5.6.2 PERIPHERAL FEATURES OF PIC16F877:Timer0: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit prescaler. Timer1: 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler can be incremented during SLEEP via external Crystal /clock. Timer2: 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period registry, prescaler and postscaler. Capture, comparison, PWM faculties Capture is 16-bit, soap. declaration is 12.5ns. Compare is 16-bit, max.resolution is 200ns. PWM soap. declaration is 10-bit. E. For Analog-to- Digital Converter 10-bit multi-channel is used. F. Synchronous Serial Port [ SSP ] with SPI [ Master manner ] and I2C [ Master/Slave ] . G. Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter [ USART/SCI ] with 9-bit reference Detection. H. Parallel Slave Port [ PSP ] 8-bits broad, with external RD, WR and CS control [ 40/44 pins ] . ( Javed, 2006 ) The board unit of Microcontroller PIC16F877 is to plan the different exchanging techniques with utilizing 40 pin microcontroller bit 14-pin AND gate [ P0048SB ] and 14-pin inverter [ 74VHC148 ] . For the different shift techniques the wiring and connexions are somewhat different. ( Javed, 2006 ) For developing the Zero crossing Detector, PWM Inverter and Fundamental pulses intents we are utilizing the Microcontroller PIC16F877. It is fundamentally three stage system with one degree Statcom. Actually, we are put to deathing the end products with applications of fibre optics.5.7 APPLICATIONS OF MICROCONTROLLER:In the micro chip engineering PIC is one of the households of Harvard Architecture microcontroller. Basically it was developed by general instruments of micro electronics division. The full signifier of PIC is Programmable Interface Controller. We consider a individual bit ; in that micro accountant is a computing machine control system. In that, manufactures build many electronic circuits, that can be decode and it implement as algorithm and eventually change over them to electrical signals. In microcontroller we use figure of logic Gatess alternatively of difficult wiring and it performs some logic map that is used for Gatess electronically [ 3 ] . The combination of t he instructions needed to the microcontroller that is called plan. ( D.W.SMITH, 2002 ) Tsai and Ke ( 2009 ) explained about PIC16F877 at high-potential high-frequency pulse power supply is to verified for a long clip and besides it examine for assorted industrial Fieldss of semiconducting material fabrication, wadding, PCB and LCD panel fabrication and besides for industrial grapevine systems they are utilizing for chemical processing of H2O and exhausted fume, and disinfection at peculiar distances and it has one more advantage, silent-discharge is developed for big graduated table applications at industrial grapevine systems. In that, a high-potential high-frequency pulse power supply is used at plasma applications. This plasma applications used at different field like gas discharge, dielectric discharge ( soundless discharge ) and corona discharge and besides it is chiefly used in industrial large-scale ozone-generation system and besides practically bring forth ozone gas is at silent-discharge. This is eventually used for gas clean system. The PFC rectifier and a v oltage-source full-bridge inverter are for future extension of high-voltage and high-frequency pulse power supply. The map of inverter out is wiring to lade during high-potential high frequence transformer. For commanding the out of the inverter, they considered Pulse Width Modulation [ PWM ] and Pulse-density Modulation [ PDM ] . This Plasma application has different phases at control unit. There are PFC phase and Inverter phase. ( Tsai and Ke,2009 ) In the PFC phase, the microcontroller UC3854 is an mean manner and it have to finish the experiment with aid of fixed frequence current control with stableness and low deformation. ( Tsai and Ke,2009 ) FIGURE 5.34: Circuit OF PFC STAGE. ( Tsai and Ke,2009 ) In the Inverter phase, it has five positions and besides including active and inactive positions to decide with power exchanging elements of the two legs. In the active position the two diagonally opposite power switches are put to deathing and for inactive position the two power switches is at same electromotive force degrees. In inverter there is taking leg and draging leg. For taking leg the power moves from active to inactive positions. For draging leg the power moves form passive to active positions. In the RLC series circuit, the inverter exchanging frequence is high when compared to lade resonating frequence. FIGURE 5.35: Circuit OF INVERTER STAGE. ( Tsai and Ke,2009 ) There is another microcontroller application which is called as optical maser based smart supplanting detector. This application is really of import for different types of the system. There are some features of contactless and huskiness, optical systems that are based on optical sensors. While making this experiment it gives some drawback. To avoid these drawbacks we have to take different visible radiation emitters and light sensors, displacement-measuring systems so we will acquire hapless declaration or high sensitiveness at the geometrical scenes and environment visible radiation. This application is generalised at direct optical maser light of two light sensors. The optical maser beginning, sensors data acquisition, informations impersonal processing and informations communicating are to be commanding and put to deathing at 8-bit RISC microcontroller and that indicates as the aa‚ ¬Aâ€Å"Brainaa‚ ¬A? of the smart optical maser detector. ( Postolache, Pereira, Gi rao, 2001 ) FIGURE 5.36: THE CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF THE SMART DISPLACEMENT SENSOR ( Postolache, Pereira, Girao, 2001 )

Monday, September 16, 2019


Read the management Focus on Cemex and then answer the following question: a. Which theoretical explanation, or explanations, of FDI best explains Cemex’s FDI? b. What value does Cemex bring to a host economy? Can you see any potential drawbacks of Cemex’s inward investment in an economy? c. Cemex has a strong preference for acquisition over greenfield ventures as an entry mode. Why? d. Why do you think Cemex decided to exit Indonesia after failing to gain majority control of Semen Gresik? Why is majority control so important to Cemex? e.Why do you think politicians in Indonesia tried to block Cemex’s attempt to gain majority control over Semen Gresik? Do you think Indonesia’s best interests were served by limiting Cemex’s FDI in the country? Answer: a. The theory that best explains Cemex’s foreign direct investment (FDI) activity is that of internalization due to limitations of licensing or also known as the market imperfection approach. Cem ex wanted to expand horizontally because it wanted to reduce its reliance on its home market and provide some stability in the demand for their product.Also, they saw opportunities abroad and it could provide their service, which required building very personal relationships with the distributors and the builders themselves. Lastly they had spent a lot of time working on their information technology system that allowed them to control their supply and it was part of their competitive advantage. Due to their unique business model, they would not be able to get the same value by licensing their business thus they had to internalize the business abroad and directly set up business abroad. b.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Who is Beloved and what is her role or purpose in the novel Beloved?

The character of beloved in the novel by Toni Morrison in his book entitled â€Å"beloved† symbolizes a lot of important ideas which are crucial to a comprehensive understanding of the novel. Taking a look at the context of the story itself, Beloved is seen as an apparition that came back to haunt the woman who was responsible for her death when she was a toddler.The event of her return caused lots of emotional reaction in other characters most especially Paul D and Sethe who as a result of trying to avoid their past were unable to truly know themselves, thus, this prevented them from forming a strong relationship with their children.To be more specific, the characters of Beloved in the novel assisted two other characters namely Paul D and Sethe to resolve their past events. Moreover, to flash back, we can say that Beloved can be understood to be an epitome of the kind of problems which arise between mothers and their daughters that occurs as a consequence of the extreme cruel ty experienced via slavery. On an intense, subliminal level to the characters in the story, the character of Beloved may be considered to be a reminder of the past.The Beloved succeeded in forcing the characters in the novel, especially her mother to first of all understand the pains from her past before beginning to work through it. Her presence caused all of the characters to come to terms with themselves before her departure. Personally, not only do I think this novel asserts the chance of reconciliation of the past or a better understanding of it from a symbolic point of view, I think it also serves some other essential function for the readers as well.It also relates a dramatic, severe and ruthless picture of some of the worst terrors of slavery. Beloved, when viewed symbolically is more than merely a character in â€Å"Beloved† but holds a huge significance as a symbol in the novel as well. All the stories enclosed within the multifarious character of Beloved in this no vel by Toni Morrison, is made of many fragments which cannot be fully comprehended until the end of the novel, At the outset, the reader is made to be believe that Beloved is a ghostly being, who is an incarnate figure of Sethe's slain daughter.But Later, a story was revealed by Stamp Paid of â€Å"a girl locked up by a white man over by Deer Creek. Found him dead last summer and the girl gone. Maybe that's her†. Toni Morrison presented the text afterwards in such a way that both assumptions were well supported. The possibility that Beloved is the slain child is backed by the fact that she sings a song which is known only to Sethe and her other children; Somewhere else, she also speaks of Sethe's earrings although she had not seen them.From my perspective, Beloved being Sethe’s reincarnated child would have helped the characters in the story and it would have helped Sethe to assuage the guilt she feels over the death of her child. I think Morrison's intention in presen ting the story in such manner was to make the readers more active rather than passive and make them work to unravel what is going on. In conclusion, I think the character Beloved in the Novel entitled â€Å"Beloved† by Toni Morrisonis Sethe's child, the third one, who was murdered at the age of one and became a ghost in 124 for up to next twenty years before she was reborn. Although, she was 21 years old in her outward appearance, she has the mind of a toddler. Thus, Beloved was trying to find Sethe's affections as well as a revenge for a murder which she still cannot comprehend. In the novel, she serves as both a character as well as a representation for the past and the sixty-million slaves that were murdered in the Middle Passage. .

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Negative Aspects of the SAT

The SAT requirement should be completely phased out from the college admission. The SAT has been used as the primary means of assessing students. The SAT is commercially published test that contain a number of items and have a uniform procedure for administration and scoring. The problem with the increase in SAT is that the tests present many challenging obstacles for students and teachers. The message being sent to students is that the only thing that matters in their whole educational experience is their test score. Rather than attacking the ‘root problem’ of academic failure, attention is being focused on comparing scores among schools. Fratt (p. 17) found that 62 percent of the states in which the SAT exams have been adopted to assess the students’ abilities have experienced a high and continuously increasing drop out rate. The high-scoring schools become models, and the low-scoring schools are seen failure (). As test scores are relied on for important educational decisions such as college admission, questions need to be raised about the validity of the SAT. Negative Aspects of SAT The SAT provides worthwhile information, but lacks realism and undermines the educational process. The U.S. is the only nation that relies upon SAT for college admission. Countries such as Europe and Asia use essays, oral exams and exhibit of students’ work. These assessment measures tend to measure students’ skills and knowledge in a more meaningful way including high-order thinking and problem-solving skills, whereas the SAT tend to focus on concrete, isolated skills (Black & Duhon, p. 90-98). An assumption of the SAT is that if a student is able to perform a skill in the test, he or she is able to perform that same skill in his or her own work. For example, if a student can perform de-contextualized editing on a SAT exam, he or she will be able to edit his or her own work. The SAT tends to focus on isolated skills, encourage low-level comprehension, rely only on multiple-choice formats, and produce scores at times that are not useful in planning instruction. Students are not involved in their own assessment. Labels may cause educators or parents to inappropriately alter the treatment towards these children. Children who receive low scores usually are placed in special classes wher the curriculum involves drill and skill worksheets. They fail to learn what their advantages peers are learning. School personnel often have lower expectations for students placed in lower tracts or remedial classes due to low-test scores. These children are more likely to receive an inferior education and they do not get admission in good colleges (Buell & Kralovec, p. 17-18). Using test results can be harmful to students receiving low scores as well as high scores. The SAT exams are used to identify the academically gifted and talented. Children identified as such as usually given additional material and resources in school. The students who score high on standardized tests show stress-related symptoms and a fear of failure. This heavy emphasis on scores can devalue teacher judgment and seriously affect a student’s self-esteem. Test-induced stress can lead to increased anxiety in all students. Low performing students especially feel that they have already failed, and the test just adds to their feelings of low self-worth. The greatest disservice a formal test can have on a student is the depletion of a student’s self-esteem. Students perceive themselves as failures when they receive labels such as ‘behind’, ‘at-risk’, ‘immature’, and ‘remedial’. Children who do poorly on tests tend to feel poorly about themselves and possess negative images. When students are labeled slow learners because of the SAT exams, their educational opportunity becomes narrowed and unchallenged. These students begin a lifetime of drill and skill worksheets. High portions of these students come from minority groups or special classes. Every test reflects the background of the people who construct the test, who are mostly white, upper to middle class professionals. Most of the experiences they are questioning come from their background leaving out the background of many of the potential test-takers (Heriot & Wonnell, p. 467-483). The SAT exams are also biased in favor of English-fluent pupils only. Many limited English proficient (LEP) students are improperly assessed and decisions about their placement are made incorrectly. Language dominance seems to have a negative effect for students of different cultural backgrounds, and non-English speaking students have trouble with interpretations of test language. Tests are written with complex grammar and oftentimes are hard to understand. As test results are shown, students who are more likely to fail include the disproportionately poor and African American students, which undermine the mission of offering all students an opportunity to learn. Children from low income and minority groups are often harmed for life because of low test scores. The curriculum is ‘dumbed-down’ for these students because the educators feel they cannot handle the regular curriculum. This leads to a boring curriculum for these students (Stahlman, p. 242). Civil rights and parent advocacy groups are challenging that these tests penalize minority and at-risk students who have been short changed education. African Americans and Latinos are usually forced into the bottom tracks solely based on their low test scores. Another negative impact to low-income students is the fact they have not had some of the experience as other students. If children come from affluent families and stimulus-rich environments, they are more apt to score higher on the SAT exams. On of the chief reasons that a student’s socioeconomic status is highly correlated to scores on the SAT exams and college admission is because many questions on the tests measure what is learned outside of school. Some students are offered more experiences than others, thus affecting their scores (Ullman, p. 18). Conclusion Assessment is needed in the public schools that benefit all students and focus on improving learning instead of ranking and labeling students into specific categories. The SAT exams are not perfect or absolute measures of what individual students can or cannot do. For instance, paper-and-pencil tests give teacher only part of the picture of a student’s strengths and weaknesses. A student’s scores on a particular test may also vary from day to day, depending on whether the student guesses, received clear directions, follows the directly carefully, takes the test seriously, and is comfortable in taking the test. School personnel must not limit assessment to the SAT exams or allow them to dominate the assessment. Assessment is definitely multidimensional and must take into consideration multiple measures to evaluate a person’s full capabilities. Without a more inclusive assessment process, those who can contribute to and benefit from society will be forever excluded from the opportunities to do so. The researcher after reviewing the literature that has been published in past and that has been discussed in this paper that the SAT requirement to get admission in a college should be phased out in order to make the process of college admission fair and transparent. Works Cited Black, H. T. & Duhon, D. L. Evaluating and improving student achievement in business programs: The effective use of standardized assessment tests. Journal of Education for Business, 79 (2) (2003), 90-98. Buell, J., & Kralovec, E. High-stakes testing, homework, and the gaming system. Humanist, 65 (3) (2005), 17-18. Fratt, L. Graduation exams under the microscope. District Administration, 41 (4) (2005), 17. Retrieved May 17, 2007, Heriot, G. L. & Wonnell, C. T. Standardized tests under the magnifying glass: A defense of the LSAT against recent charges of bias. Texas Review of Law and Politics, 7 (2) (2003), 467-483. Stahlman, R. Standardized tests: A teacher's perspective. Childhood Education, 81(4) (2005), 242. Ullman, E. Study: High-stakes tests have no effect on achievement. District Administration, 41 (11) (2005), 18. Â  

Friday, September 13, 2019

Transportation Management Sytems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Transportation Management Sytems - Essay Example The first step towards achieving this integration is the dissemination of complete information among suppliers, retailers and carriers. The TMS should plan and manage multiple transportation modes, multiple carriers, multiple routes and multiple tariffs for timely supply of goods at low cost. When the GIV is efficiently operated, it will result in low cost throughout various stages of supply chains. Under GIV, time consumption, labour expenditure along with the handling costs could also be reduced due to a reduction in the number of personnel required to complete the task. Reduced lead time availability is the main benefit from the GIV. It leads to implementation of creative policies resulting in improved product quality and increased customer service. (Hopp and Spearman, 1996). The virtual warehouse (VW) concept, aimed at maintaining real -time global visibility for logistics assets, was pioneered by Global Concepts, Inc. (Stuart et al., 1995; Landers et al., 2000).Real-time information and real-time decision algorithms are the basic things in the VW that provide operating efficiencies. But as proved by the simulation model, conducted for an auto-parts supplier’s (company) multi product supply chain, the GIV could achieve these efficiencies in a single class warehouse (Stuart et al., 1995). The simulation model was experimented with three types of items known as slow moving items, regular items and fast moving items. They are automobile engines, automobile tires and motor oil items respectively.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Essay

Comparison between sudden fiction story The Country Where Nobody Ever Grew Old and Died by William Maxwell and the Garden of Eden from the Bible - Essay Example He/she claims that the story is in the Leipzig edition of the book; however, Beckford’s book does not have any reference to the case that told in the story. The major theme of the story, as its title also implied, is the question of immortality/temporality. In that sense, the story reminds â€Å"Garden of Eden† in the Bible. The aim of this paper is to compare how the theme of immortality/ temporality is interwoven into the fabrics of both stories. Firstly, a brief account on the theme of immortality in the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story will be given. Then, the stories’ differences in regard to the theme will be discussed. Before proceeding to the comparison, the question of immortality raised by the â€Å"Garden of Eden† story must be discussed. The question of what death is and whether Adam was made mortal holds a crucial place in biblical studies. The question of mortality/immortality is significant in a sense that it puts the authority of God in question while raising a suspicion that whether the snake was right. In Genesis 2: 15-17, God makes an arrangement with Adam and tells him that he will die if he eats of the tree of the knowledge: The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying â€Å"You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, â€Å"but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.† It is very clear from the above passage that if they disobey God’s command, they will be punished by death sentence. On the other hand, when the serpent and Eve converse (3:1b-5), the serpent says to the woman â€Å"You will not surely die† and contradicts God’s commandment of â€Å"You shall surely die†. However, although they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge, they did not die and God pronounces a different sentence in 3:14-19. The discrepancy between the

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nursing Bachelor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Nursing Bachelor - Essay Example There are multiple activities with the pressing demand of time, and when I reflect on these events, it seems they could have been catered better with a more effective time management. I had been assigned to this patient who had an anterior cruciate ligament construction in the left knee, and these postoperative patients have multiple requirements. This patient was diabetic and had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The tasks can be divided into making the bed, recording vital signs and charting them, positioning the patient, feeding her, examining generally and in the operative site, recording the findings in the chart, administering medications, performing common bedside tests, informing the supervisor, and looking out for any complications and reporting them. This seems to be a long list, and I found it is extremely insufficient time within the shift to accomplish all tasks in a proficient and efficient manner. As a result, everything was getting disorganized. I decided to talk to my mentor and seek her advice. She told me that I was not being able to manage time very effectively. Inexperience is indeed a factor, but if the principles of time management are applied to my work, this would ease matters a lot. She talked to me about the importance of time management and also gave me some tips of time management as applicable to our work. ... I decided to apply her principles in work. This happened very soon, where I could optimize my actions on the basis of priority. My patient was shouting in the ward since she had pain, and she wanted me to give an analgesic injection. At the same point in time, she was having a scheduled injection of antibiotics on an 8-hourly dose. The patient's shouting sounded urgent, the pain must have been intolerable, and I assumed a cool composure and decided to attend the injection of the antibiotic first. The antibiotic dose needed to be administered in the right time since it has relationship with concentration of the drug in blood that will kill the bacteria. If it was not injected in the right time, this might cause infection in the postoperative joint, and the whole surgery may be baffled in terms of outcome. I, therefore, prioritized the antibiotic injection against a painkiller shot. I finished the antibiotic and then went ahead to prepare for the pain killer injection. While reflecting on this, I found that I did the right thing, but I was feeling ashamed that I could not suppress my irritation with the patient. This is because I failed to convince myself that as a nurse, I must be clear and confident enough about my different roles and must be able to differentiate those roles on the basis of priority in the ward that applies differently to the same patient in different situations, and that should be guided by importance that can have far-reaching implications in care, never by apparent urgency. I concluded that it is all about being able to attach importance to the activities in different roles in order of gravity is the essence of time management. From the next day onwards, I made a schedule for my work in the ward. I decided that I